• Breaking News

    Saturday, April 25, 2020

    Animal Crossing | I seriously can’t describe how much I love the camera feature!

    Animal Crossing | I seriously can’t describe how much I love the camera feature!

    I seriously can’t describe how much I love the camera feature!

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 09:37 AM PDT

    Meet my "dog", Aragog!

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 08:55 AM PDT

    A few days before the expansion to Blathers' museum was announced, I created my own modern art museum...

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 01:50 PM PDT

    Kyle's seriously trying to bang the whole Island

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 05:50 AM PDT


    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 10:09 AM PDT

    Finally finished my entomology office! Wish I could convince Blathers to visit...

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    Popping Them is Mandatory

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 09:07 AM PDT

    I didn’t wait 2 weeks for you to get delivered and then leave quicker than that

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 06:42 AM PDT

    So in real life I use a wheelchair outside because I have MD. To bring a wee bit of reality to the game I left one outside my house & I come home to find Raymond just chillin on it ��

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 06:44 AM PDT

    My forest/nature themed island - hope you like it!

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 10:15 AM PDT

    Our cat sat in front of the screen while my husband was playing this morning. It really looked like we green screened him in there.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 04:10 AM PDT

    Done it like five times...

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 10:53 AM PDT

    No time travel, 6 days of holes, weeds and junk filling up the island. Today the last rock fell into place. Feels good.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 03:00 AM PDT

    I got frustrated trying to line up the ramp with my house and just decided to embrace the asymmetry of it all.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 11:55 AM PDT

    So happy with my cliff-side house - I love having a deck!!

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 12:47 PM PDT

    Everybody is flexing about their kitchen so here is mine

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 05:04 AM PDT

    Guys... I didn’t know there was a TV guide!

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 06:10 AM PDT

    Fauna and Erik tied the knot today. Good luck out there, you crazy kids.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 10:33 AM PDT

    Manhole cover in Japan vs in game

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 04:56 AM PDT

    Animal Crossing screenshots on reddit vs Animal crossing in real life

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 01:56 PM PDT

    Our pharmacy school graduation was cancelled so we hosted out own

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 01:15 PM PDT

    Finally proud of my plaza

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 08:10 AM PDT

    Had Noel Clarke come to visit my island!

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 06:27 AM PDT

    Timmy and Tommy remind you to social distance!

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 05:20 AM PDT

    Here's my bedroom ^^ ��

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 05:26 AM PDT

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